Call of Duty Links:
- Call of Duty: Black Ops sells 8.4 million in first month. Whoa.
- YouTube: Killed by friendly dogs. Bad doggie!!
- Mass Effect 3 confirmed for Holiday 2011.
- Real Life Team Fortress 2 Sentry Gun at Valve HQ.
- [Imgur image] Eerie Deus Ex screenshot anticipates today's terrorism paranoia.
- Game Infomer feature: Have you ever cried over a video game? I cried a little when Captain Price made the ultimate sacrifice in Call of Duty 4. But then Red Dawn made me cry, too.
- Kim Jong Il's son more interested in videogames than in running North Korea. See, video games are good!
Non-Gaming Links:
- Geminid meteor showers peak tonight. Don't miss it, if the skies are clear.
- Skin was the first organ to evolve.
- 'Grow your own transplant' may be possible for men with Type 1 diabetes.
- Free fall from the edge of space. How did he get into the balloon gondola with balls that big?
- YouTube: Solar power roadways.
- MSN and DoubleClick ad neworks found to be serving up malware last week.
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