Call of Duty Links:
- Modern Warfare 3 July Elite DLC preview, screens on MTV website.
- [YouTube] Xbox Ahoy MW3 weapon guide: The MP7.
More Gaming Links:
- Bioware working on new MMORPG, Ultima Forever.
- [YouTube] Hitman: Absolution 'Streets of Hope' E3 2012 gameplay.
- GameSpy: Medal of Honor Warfighter versus Black Ops 2.
- Valve's Source Filmmaker now in open beta.
- Wii U is definitely more powerful than Xbox 360 or PS3, says Scribblenauts dev.
- Penny Arcade op-ed: Why you should be skeptical of the Ouya Android console. And, also this: The trouble with Ouya.
- [Op-Ed] Why 2013 looks like 1983 for consoles. Well, there might be a landfill full of Duke Nukem Forever discs somewhere...
Non-Gaming Links:
- The Moon is toxic.
- [Feature] The search for anti-matter.
- Study identifies how muscles are paralyzed during REM sleep.
- Snorting a brain chemical could replace sleep.
- Penguins could be wiped out by rats in Chile. And penguins is practically chickens...
- Geneticists evolve fruit flies with the ability to count.
- Autumn babies more likely to reach 100.
- [Feature] Facebook didn't kill Digg, Reddit did.
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