Call of Duty Links:
- NFL player Quinn Pitcock battled video game addiction. I know exactly how he feels...
More Gaming Links:
- [YouTube] Guardians of Middle Earth gameplay trailer.
- [Preview] Sir, you are being hunted on Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
- Hands-on with the Wii U.
- Nintendo will not charge for using the Wii U online.
- Gamer loses $149 to glitch in Diablo 3 auction house bug.
- [Feature] Dishonored notices how 'murdery' you are.
- [Op-Ed] SimCity Social is an insult to its namesake.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Fastest moving pulsar may have been found 30,000 light years from Earth.
- Space tornadoes power the atmosphere of the Sun.
- Most primitive ancestor to modern birds discovered in South America.
- Human ancestor ate leaves, wood, and bark. Ewell Gibbons...
- Scientists create a system that lets you type with your brain.
- How music benefits the brain. Depends on the music, natch...
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