Call of Duty Links:
More Gaming Links:
- [YouTube] ArmA 3 vehicles showcase.
- Final Fantasy VII PC system specs revealed. Here's a link to the FFVII PC website.
- [youTube] Instruction video to Tribes: Ascend.
- [YouTube] Almost one hour of Star Wars: Battlefront footage.
- Microsoft secures rights to Xbox 8 domains.
- [Feature] Why would anyone ever want to be a AAA-title developer? For the money?
- [Op-Ed] The state of games: The state of AAA.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Hubble discovered huge 'waterworld' 40 light years away.
- Higgs-Boson particle apparently confirmed at CERN.
- [Image] A single atom captured for the first time in visible light. (Original image link: shijjiri on Reddit Pics.)
- Samsung and Google to release OTA update to get around Nexus ban.
- Nexus Q from Google IO stolen by aiport security.
- Miracle diet prevents epileptic seizures, scientists may know why.
- Apple's Siri voice search is wrong over one third of the time.
- [Image] Huge starship size comparison chart. (Original image link credit: tehmark on Reddit SciFi.)
- Most of the Star Wars Tatooine sets are still standing - and people are living there.
- R.I.P., Andy Griffith.
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