07 May 2010

Morning Vent, 7 May 2010

That's it... I'm out of gungirl pics. Time to resupply.

    I'm a sentimental guy. You know how gals stereotypically cry during romantic movies? I cry during guy flicks. You know the scene at the end of Red Dawn with Partisan Rock? Yep, I cried. The same goes for games which tug at my heartstrings. Master Chief's funeral in Halo 3. Yep, I misted up.
    That's why I loved the latest Medal of Honor trailer, 'Leave a Message". Tho I never saw combat, I was deployed overseas most of my enlistment and was away from family and friends a long time. The voice acting was above average, really authentic-sounding. Hope they're smart enough to cast the actor in a part in the game. After I saw that trailer, I pre-ordered Medal of Honor.
    The shopping trip got postponed until today. I nursed my hangover a day longer to fully recuperate. There was no CoD4 retro night last night, as the 2Old2Play crew is indulging in some Halo: Reach beta action. I already know Reach is just more of the same Halo 3 stuff I left behind some time ago. I was watching some Reach beta SWAT gameplay (embedded below) and it looked interesting, but I can't see myself going back to endure the squeaky-voiced, pimply-faced, teabagging Timmy douchebags I so gratefully parted company with back when CoD4 became my obsession. Good riddance.

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