01 July 2010

Morning Vent, 1 July 2010

One more button... just one more button...!

    Brief update today, as I have to get organized before my trip to the specialist. Today is the First of July. As you might suspect, the month is named after Julius Caesar, the Roman politician and General. If you recall, I mentioned Caesar back on the Ides of March, the date when he received sharp criticism from his fellow Senators when they got all stabby over his ambitions to be a King. In the US, the month of July is noted for the Independence Day holiday and the annual flogging of news reports about the dangers of fireworks. New shows will give (dead) turkeys and chickens an M-80 buttplug and video the resulting carnage. At the HQ, I intend to mark the Independence Holiday by staying put, eating a burger, and hoping just to get better. Now, that would be something truly worth celebrating. Moving on...

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