GungirlTM likes color coordination - Big, black gun;
and a tight, black bustier.
I had a recurrence of some leg swelling during my Thursday day shift. There was an unusual amount of walking that day. I had to park at a distant parking lot instead of at my usual spot, and I wound up making a couple of runs back and forth between buildings making deliveries. I'm still a bit swollen today, but doing better by far. I'm trying to take it easy, as much as I can.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - The Matrix Commando
Guess the biggest news in Call of Duty was Pachter stating the CoD franchise should have subscription based multiplayer. As I blogged here earlier, I don't think the Call of Duty franchise in its current or any planned form has enough content goodness to carry off a subscription-based service. One of the news links, DigitalSpy, is already speculating that CoD will be subscription by the 'end of 2010'. It makes me wonder whether they're going to pull some shit like they did on the PC users: i.e., wait until a month before release and inform players, 'Hey, that shit about PC multiplayer being the same as always, forget all that shit. You're now stuck with IWNet.' Can they do it? Probably not in such a short timeframe. Maybe on the next series of CoD games, tho it would be a tremendous risk. It's unlikely that Xbox Live would allow some piggyback subscription on top of theirs. I dunno. Charging a monthly fee for online functionality? Is there a way to sidestep the Xbox Live structure to do it? If not, they'd have to form their own gaming network with some new console or 'player friendly' PC. As I wrote in my earlier blogs on the subject, consoles already exist that do for cheap or free what Activision wants to charge monthly for. It's unlikely players will swallow it. Put it this way: If they somehow manage to tack on some subscription requirement for Black Ops, my three pre-orders are canceled. Simple as that. And I won't buy, no matter how epic, a CoD game that requires me to pay a monthly fee. Moving on...
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