10 August 2010

Morning Vent, 10 August 2010 (Pop's Birthday)

 GungirlTM Martina Fox manages
to keep sand out of her gun -
and her cleavage!

    Yesterday was horrid. When Reibo and I arrived at the hospital, Mom was in tremendous pain. Because of the medications, her abnormal eating patterns, etc. her GI tract was all messed up. Of course, it's not like House, M.D., where the anti-social but brilliant diagnostician uses his Holmesian powers of observation to say "She's got an inflammation of the flammis and needs medication for lupus." Instead, Dr. Anti-House was called and paged several times. Finally, 4 iron in hand, he called back and prescribed a pill that slowly took the edge off Mom's pain. Today, sometime, she'll be moved to a nursing home for continued rehabilitation. We just don't know which one yet.
    It's a pretty low key birthday for Pop, with Mom still in the hospital. But we're wishing him a Happy Birthday anyway, hoping that better days are coming for all of us. It may not be realistic, but it's human nature to hope for the best. 
    On a personal note, I went without a pressure stocking yesterday for the first time - and it was a 'yuge mistake'. My right leg blew up and turned red. It was OK for almost the entire day, but by night-time, it had blown up to the same size and alarming red color as before. Driving home, it was stiff and hurt a lot. No panic on my part this time, tho. Dr. Anti-House (and, more importantly, a super-experienced sonogram technician) had told me back in the beginning of July that I didn't have any blood clots. And, of course, we know doctors don't make mistakes, right?
    My leg is only slightly swollen this AM, and the pressure stocking is right back on. It'll be a few months before I try that stunt again, tho.

    On the gaming side of things, the Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer teaser was released, and it looks very MW2ish - but in a good way. If they keep out all the stuff that sometimes made MW2's multiplayer crap, Black Ops will be the greatest thing since sliced bread. (After seeing the teaser, it makes me wonder whether EA's apparent surrender to CoD and other shooters for 2010 was based on some insider info about the awesomness that is to be Call of Duty: Black Ops.) No doubt there'll be some in-depth dissections of the vid over the next week or so, and I'll try to link them here. Already linked today are the web and YouTube versions of IGN's analysis.
    Today's featured Call of Duty vid is a CoD4 M60 Free-for All from tejbz. He's pretty good with that thing, I must say. Always loved the M60 in real life, tho I sure hated lugging it around. ;-) Moving on...

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