GungirlTM Silvia Saint keeps her flanks
well covered...
Spent some time in the nursing home yesterday, tho much of it turned out to be while Mum was at physical therapy. She did the stationary bike thing (I think the little pedal thing done from a seated position, since she doesn't have the strength to get out of her wheelchair unassisted) yesterday to help strengthen her leg muscles.

Stereograph of the old Howland Public Library
Since I had time on my hands and no way to work on the blog or spend time on Twitter, I used the Kindle to do some reading. It was particularly funny reading Stephen King's novella, Ur, the story of a bookish (is there any other kind?) lit professor who buys a Kindle to spite his ex-girlfriend but winds up getting one straight from Rod Serling's Twilight Zone. It's a spiffy little story, but relevant to me because I was a huge skeptic about the Kindle, but I've become a convert now. When I was a boy, I loved the old Howland Public Library in my hometown of Beacon, New York. It was a church-like building with rickety-looking stairs and balconies, and everywhere stack after stack, shelf after shelf of books, large and small. Above all, the air was thick with the heady incense-like odor of aging book paper. I got my first library card there, read my first SF there, with the librarian sternly warning me that the Asimov novel I wanted to take out was actually rated for adult readers, but ultimately giving me permission to read it. So, I scoffed at the idea of bits of data replacing that experience. Out of curiosity, I bought my bud Matt64's old Kindle, and I found myself as absorbed in reading as if I were holding a paper book in my hands. I even found myself reaching out to the Kindle to turn the pages, forgetting that there were no pages to turn - just a switch to press. If nothing else, it will liberate my home from a veritable mountain of paper books.

Cute girl with glasses and a cigar. Awesome!
I had time only for a Holt's Shortie yesterday, unfortunately. I smoked it on the drive over to the nursing home. Shorties are a medum-bodied smoke in a cigarillo size, and the Holt's version uses premium long-filler, not floor cuttings like other short cigars. Unlike cigarettes, cigars are only puffed, so they're not as damaging. It's still a quite unhealthy habit, but I've drawn a line in the health improvement sand: Having already given up alcohol, I refuse to give up my cigars.

Today's featured vid is a CoD4 Team Deathmatch with psncoolpjhq's girlfriend Brook3Tini just starting out (she gets promoted to Lance Corporal at the beginning of the match). And she's pretty durn good with that M16A4, too. The second vid is an unsuprisingly sucktacular spawn on Modern Warfare 2. Not epic, but gave me a chuckle anyway. Moving on...
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