Featured Call of Duty: World at War Video
TDM on Battery with the Naked Tommy Gun
Uploaded 6 September 2010 by ThatGuyWhoCamps
TDM on Battery with the Naked Tommy Gun
Uploaded 6 September 2010 by ThatGuyWhoCamps
Call of Duty Links:
Uploaded 6 September 2010 by ONLYUSEmeBLADE
CoD4 Pipeline Search and Destroy (Knife Only)
Uploaded 6 September 2010 by ONLYUSEmeBLADE
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 'gaming review': ABC News.
- CVG: Stunning Black Ops videos arrive.
- CVG interviews Bungie community director Brian Jarrard on Halo: Reach, leaving the Halo franchise behind and teaming up with Activision, and topping Halo 3: ODST. The latter's not too hard: It just has to be a complete game this time.

Timmies expected to be in attendance at the EMP...
- Public Halo: Reach launch party planned at Seattle's Experience Music Project.
- Halo: Reach's 60,000 audio assets explained in 8 minutes.
- The LA Times asks: 'Will the glow be off Halo?' Whaddaya mean 'will'?
- Is the 'hardcore' gamer hurting video game culture? No, the mass marketing bucketasses who think 'casual gamers' will buy any piece of crap are hurting video game culture.
- Microsoft still trying to develop Halo movie.
- A video tour of a Halo fan's 'UNSC man cave'. Fanbois to the left of me...
- UT3 for Linux is laid to rest.
- Kinect Brain Training and PacMan unveiled in Japan.
- Jack Thompson takes on Medal of Honor. Fer cripe's sake...
- PAX 2010 sets attendance record. Plus, The Top 10 Reasons Why PAX is Better than E3.
Gordon Freeman saved my life!
(Original Music Only, no gameplay)
- Laws of physics vary through universe, study suggests.
- Why is research funding for the sciences so poor?
- Stephen Hawking: 'We must inspire young people'. Hey, Prof, they can't hear you with their iPhones turned up so loud.
- VLC open source media player coming to the iPad.
- T-Mobile to begin HTC G2 pre-orders
- Seventy percent of Ontario residents are overweight. Damned if you do...
- Atkins Diet increases all-cause mortality. ...and damned if you don't.
- Stephen King's Dark Tower series confirmed for film trilogy. Dark Tower director said to be Ron Howard.
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