27 December 2010

Morning Vent, 27 December 2010 (Snow Day)

 Sniper GungirlTM is looking for the blog, but can't find it in all this dang snow!

    Had an wonderful day/evening with my Pretty Gal last night, tho the weather forced me to leave a bit early. After meeting Hop, we had lunch at the Cold Spring Depot, and then went back home to help her Mom clean up the Xmas tree. Of course, she had it all tucked away before we got back, lol. It was quite a ride back to the HQ last night, with blowing snow making the visibility near zero at a few points. Calling the blog today due to a snow day, as I'll have to dig things out for my folks this AM. I'm hoping the weather gods will smile on me for later so I can see my Sweet Gal after the shoveling. Moving on...

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