20 January 2011

Morning Vent, 20 January 2011

 Punk-streaked GungalTM shows off her
Smith and Wesson .44 Magnum snubby...

    First day/night away from my Pretty Gal! I'm hoping the 3-banger rotation goes quick! Regardless, in just two more days, I'll be rocketing back down South to her waiting arms!!
    It's also my first week at the new Albany pad. I'm still impressed at the size and quality of the new place, tho far less impressed with the parking. I had to park temporarily behind the apartments and road march over icy and slushy roads to haul my gear. It was an annoying beginning to the day. It looks like I won't be able to park easily before 0830-0900 hours, and, since I'm accustomed to going to sleep right away, it's going to be a pain in the ass. Moving on...

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