24 August 2011

Morning Vent, 24 August 2011

GungalTM of the Day
 GungalTM accessorizes her flowery bikini with a wheelgun...

    It's back to work today for the ever-dreaded four night rotation, and even more so because the return to work coincides with my Sweet Gal's and my monthly anniversary. It seems hard to believe that my beloved and I are rapidly closing in on a year together!! As always, time seems to have flown by. It seems only yesterday that I met my beloved in person for the first time. She walked through the door, and I was transfixed by this tall, graceful gal... One little touch, just a brush of her shoulder against mine as we sat together chatting, and lightning struck me like never before! Awesome! 
    Still nursing my lumps from gaming last night. You know, it's a vicious cycle: I don't play much, so I get my ass kicked. When I get my ass kicked, it really, really disinclines me to play online. Truly. Adding insult to injury is my having to give up seeing my gal when we're already separated so much by our work schedules... Ah, well. Whaddaya gonna do? I'm pretty much swearing off Call of Duty multiplayer. I don't have enough time to play it to get halfway decent at it, and it's infuriating to have my ass kicked all the time. Anyone saying 'Hey, it's just a game' has no clue about schedules of reinforcement in behavioral psychology. If it sucks for you and just pisses you off, why are you doing it? Masochism goes only so far... I have better, more fun uses for my time.
    I haven't downloaded the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 'Rezurrection' DLC. I'm not much of a zombie player, really. And my bro has his own crew who play zombies and whatnot, so I'm, at best, a bystander to fun when he plays. I can't stay up as late as he does. I start running out of steam around 8PM most nights... Moving on...

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