01 April 2012

Morning Vent, 1 April 2012

GungalTM of the Day
 GungalTM isn't named April, but she's no fool when it comes to proper trigger finger discipline!
    Today is the First of April, commonly known as April Fool's Day. There are no larks, frolics, or gambols to report. I'm just happy to be back home with my beloved Effie. It was a long work week, and I'm pleased as punch to be having my morning coffee with the love of my life!! Effie, honey, I love you!! It's good to be home!!

    Today's featured video is not an April Fool's Day gag. I saw the CoD 2 video, and I was impressed with the quick-scoping skills displayed, as well as how clean and crisp the video looked. There's a whole generation of new gamers who have never seen the Call of Duty franchise on the PC, really, and this was a chance to showcase one of my favorite iterations of Call of Duty on that platform. Moving on...

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