10 October 2012

Morning Vent, 10 October 2012

GungalTM of the Day

Southpaw GungalTM shows proper trigger finger discipline...

    Back to work today for a three night rotation, and I already want to turn around and go home!! The three days at home went so very quickly, as there were quite a few things that needed doing. But in just three nights, I'll be back home with my honey, and we'll be celebrating our first year together as husband and wife! Effie, honey, I love you!!! I'll be home soon as I can!!

    No gaming to speak of this week, as there just wasn't enough time. But I picked up a couple of discount games to mess with: Duke Nukem Forever and Homefront. I had bought Homefront before, but the copy is still somewhere back at the old HQ bunker. Hard to justify hours of digging through the garage when a copy can be had for the price of a pizza! Moving on...

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