21 October 2012

Morning Vent, 21 October 2012

GungalTM of the Day

B Movie GungalTM shouldn't need to cower with the awesome SCAR assault rifle she has there...

    As this posts on the blog, the work week is over, and I'm almost home, if all the stars have aligned. My Sweet Gal and I will look over the morning papers, see if there are any important sales we should hit. After a nap, we'll drop off the Jeep down at the Firestone shop so they can replace some worn out parts, lol. Fingers crossed on that one. We'll try to hit the Mountain Brauhaus for dinner, Lord willing. 

    I forgot to mention that I'd finished off the Medal of Honor single player campaign. I wanted to mention it especially because of the conclusion of the campaign. The campaign ends on a very somber note, and, tho it's late for spoilers, I won't specifically mention how it does end. It was, for me, quite moving, and I found myself truly sad, maybe because the military was an important if brief part of my life, and I still identify very strongly with it. But, regardless, I was impressed all over again with the finish of the MoH campaign, even if the gameplay itself wasn't as impressive the second time around. Moving on...

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