30 January 2013

Morning Vent

GungalTM of the Day

GungalTM does the FemShep cosplay thing...

    Sadly, the days off have come to an end, and I'm on the way to my dreary, cold Albany apartment and a short three night rotation... Luckily, it is only three nights away from my Sweet Gal, and before we know it, we'll be holding each other tight again! Effie, baby, I love you!!! I'll be home in just three nights.
   Due to some running around and some issues at home, I wasn't able to visit Mama and Papa Joker this week. So I pray the Good Lord will keep them safe until Effie and I can visit after this work rotation.

    I managed to get the DLC downloaded at home, and just took a peek around a couple of the maps a bit. After that, I tried uploading a video again, to see if Theater Mode on Black Ops 2 was working again for me. It was successful, finally, so my lackluster efforts at Black Ops 2 will again be gracing the blog's video links. I actually got online to play a bit with our son, and he did spectacular, getting a righteous double-kill killcam on Hardcore TDM. It was pretty dang awesome. Moving on...

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