Hmmm. Down 23% in one week... Wonder why?
- Gamasutra has the unsurprising news that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of the 2 most popular games for "tweens" for the Holidays. To the right is a "tween". Hideous, isn't it? That's what you're up against on Xbox Live.

- So, the controversial single player footage from Modern Warfare 2 appears to be confirmed. It's some hardcore stuff, for sure, in the same vein as the brutally shocking opening and stunning death scene in CoD4's single player campaign.
- Reminder CoD4 fans: Multi-player with Slipnot tonight, 6PM.
- Tanks are back in World at War Hardcore -- Headquarters. Matt64, like Reibochief and myself, would have preferred them back in HC TDM.
- Games Radar has a list of the 37 Greatest Zombie Triumphs in Games, Movies and Books.
- Voodoo Extreme has some vids of Left 4 Dead demo gameplay. As of Tuesday night, the PC demo release, available to those who preordered on Steam, had been delayed by bugs.
- G4TV has a vid of the "realism" mode of Left 4 Dead 2.
- Game Trailers has a Bioshock 2 vid. which features "Capture the Sister Mode" on the upcoming Bioshock sequel.
- (Update) GameDaily has news of Big Sisters in Bioshock 2!
- IGN has the top Halo 3 kills of the week. Another reason why I stopped playing Halo... These guys are amazing!
- The Ares rocket finally made it off the launch pad without a hitch. What an amazing thing it would be if the intrepid age of space exploration I recall from my youth would begin again!
- What Tila Tequila would be without the interwebs from
- Here are 15 Great (Stupid) Rest Room signs from Banned in Hollywood.
- In addition to the fee paid to Sony, PS3 owners who want to stream Netflix will have to put a special, free Blu-Ray disc in the tray until late next year. Joystiq reports that Sony is confident it will have enough of the special discs to meet demand when PS3 streaming goes live in November.
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