Call of Duty Links:
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 outed for Wii U by the ratings board. And it's now officially confirmed for the Wii U.
More Gaming Links:
- [YouTube] Akaneiro: Demon Hunter first gameplay trailer.
- [YouTube] Dishonored developer documentary number 2.
- Worms: Revolution available for pre-order on Steam.
- Microsoft Xbox 3D projected games outlined in patent.
- iOS game developers weigh in on the iPhone 5. Assuming it's not banned... See below tech news item.
- [Op-Ed Feature] Two men, $200,000, and a successful Kickstarter: How FTL did everything right.
- The evolution of cheating in chess. Yes, chess...
Non-Gaming Links:
- Dark energy is real, astronomers say.
- Curiosity Mars rover ready to drive, drive, drive'.
- Milky Way's black hole to eat planet-forming cloud.
- Silver and gold come from different stars that go supernova.
- Magma 'balloon' swells beneath Santorini.
- Experimental drug blocks smoker's nicotine craving.
- Apple announces the iPhone 5.
- Samsung, HTC to block US and EU iPhone 5 sales with LTE patents.
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