- [YouTube] Hutch interviews Treyarch's Vahn, Part 1 and part 2.
- Should you buy the Call of Duty: Black Ops 'First Strike' ma pack?
More Gaming Links:
Cut from Half-life 2, circa 2004: The Hydra Scene
- Blue's News has the scoobies on some great Battlefield 3 gameplay footage and a pre-order bonus.
- Battlefield 3 screenies.
- Assassin's Creed DLC coming in March.
- 'Smell-o-vision' coming to PCs by Christmas. Yes, now video games can truly stink.
- 1Up: Before Half-life: Valve's Submarine Game.
- Rumor: Hack-proof PS3 in development. ROFLing.
- Minecraft heading to iPad and iPhone.
- Bulletstorm not required for Gears of War 3 beta.
- [Video] G4TV Bulletstorm 'Full Metal Jacket' parody.
- [Video] Doom playable on a Texas Instruments calculator.
- [Slideshow] The Ten Most Violent Video Games of All Time.
- [Satire] How to write an RPG.
- [YouTube] Amazing 25th Anniverary Zelda Tribute Miniature.
- [Artwork] Awesome Zelda shields.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Mission preview: One final flight for Discovery.
- Space shuttle Discovery: The End of an Era.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day: Star size comparison.
- The Scale of the Universe: Measuring the Cosmos.
- Inkjet printers inspire scientists to make skin.
- Nanoprocessors now exist.
- Science to predict whether 6 month old babies wil grow up to become criminals.
- Scientists discover how to make squid go completely berserk. Science. Is there anything it can't do? I mean, except explain why making a squid berserk is a good thing.
- Twenty great uses for tea tree oil. Stinky, but effective.
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