Call of Duty Links:
- [YouTube] ExplicitGamerz tutorial on using Call of Duty: Black Ops dolly camera function on clips.
- World of Warcraft developer praises Call of Duty's customization.
- [YouTube] How to Annoy People: Hardcore.
More Gaming Links:
- Bungie confirms next game is massively multiplayer.
- Battlefield 3 preview from Co-optimus.
- Battlefield 3 day-night transition screenshots.
- Details on Homefront's multiplayer servers.
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D screenshots.
- Nintendo 3DS: Portable gaming will never be the same again.
- Then, again, maybe not: Why I stopped playing the 3DS in 3D.
- Sony NGP getting 'augmented reality' games.
- Sony NGP hand-held to use proprietary flash memory cards.
- Nintendo chief slams iPhone, Android for devaluing games.
- ActionTrip: iPad 2, What You Need to Know. PC Mag's iPad hands on preview.
- Epic 'would love' to put Gears of War 3 on the PS3.
- GDC 2011: Romero and Hall on creating Doom.
Non-Gaming Links:
- NASA Glory mission ends in failure.
- First artificial partial lung transplant 'a success'.
- Real-life Hal 9000: Computers reacting to human emotions. 'I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.'
- Verizon to end unlimited data plans.
- ATT's less than transparent 4G coverage map.
- Verizon and ATT iPad 2's will be different models.
- Steve Jobs: The tablet PC 'crashed and burned'. Steve, the iPad is a tablet PC.
- [Image] The two billion year old nuclear reactor fossil.
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